Bucket List

You know how the greatest toy for a child is an empty cardboard box? The mariner’s equivalent must be a bucket. In our case, this little beauty:


Note the compact yet capacious size, the built-in handles, the bendyness. We’ve used it just about every day and we’ve only had it for a week.

For example:

  • we’ve pumped water from the bilge into it after a hose under the galley sink popped off and sprayed steaming hot water everywhere (twice)
  • we’ve rinsed out salty wetsuits in it
  • it makes a great shopping bag
  • at the beach, the kids filled it with crabs
  • at the prow, Drew tied a rope to its handles and dunked it into the sea to get water for rinsing our muddy anchor
  • Soren, you won’t be surprised to hear, has worn it upside down on his head for a bit of physical comedy

I’m sure we’ll think of many more uses before the month is done. It probably needs a buddy, too ….


  1. very clever uses of a new product. i like the color. sorry to hear about the accident under the sink. too much water pressure?

  2. Love this blog, Linda. With limited materials and playthings, you’ve found a utilitarian object and a prop for comedy acts! Hope the sink is fixed. Not a fun surprise. xoxoxo Aunt Mindy

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